Author: admin

The Productivity Games: The New Summer Olympics
Op-ed, Opinion

The Productivity Games: The New Summer Olympics

By Rida ArifThe words ‘summer’ and ‘productivity’ should be oxymoronic, or at least they used to be when I didn’t know what the word ‘productive’ meant.If you close your eyes and think of summer, do you imagine a fluorescently lit office, Excel sheets, and the burning blue light from a work computer? Seemingly, that’s what our student body dreams of — a glowing resume is the ultimate oasis. At the end of my sophomore year, my aspirations for the next few blazing months were very simple: watch movies, go ‘up North’, and read. What I did not anticipate was the guilt that followed.I felt the achievements of my peers creeping up on me like goosebumps in the cold: sneaky and uncomfortable. Every refresh of my Twitter timeline birthed more tweets about new internships, interesting coworkers, and...
“There’s Chicken in my Daal!”: The Struggle of Being Vegetarian and Pescatarian On-Campus
Arts & Culture

“There’s Chicken in my Daal!”: The Struggle of Being Vegetarian and Pescatarian On-Campus

By Mahrukh Murad Dev Kumar ‘23, a rising junior at SDSB and a practicing Hindu, is a lacto-vegetarian* with a knack for staying cautiously optimistic. He shares, “When I moved to LUMS, I realised the cons of being vegetarian in Pakistan.” He quickly experienced his usual variety of vegetarian food options abundantly available in his hometown, Karachi, being swapped for daal and sabzi at PDC.According to Dev, “My main ethos of being a vegetarian is to be non-violent towards nature and mother earth. [In my religion] there is a concept of not fighting anyone for your own sake. Interestingly, the first misconception that I heard from my friends [about being vegetarian] is that 'it's in your religion' and 'you are bound to eat vegetarian food'. However, this is a myth. There is no restriction o...
Zoom: A Mirror Into Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Op-ed, Opinion

Zoom: A Mirror Into Body Dysmorphic Disorder

By Hajrah Yousaf TW: Body Dysmorphic DisorderHashim describes it as being hypnotized.As much as he wants to stop looking into a warped version of himself in the mirror, he just can’t stop. No matter how exhausted he gets (and exhaustion is always a given), he can’t look away. The vision in the mirror is a snake charmer, and boy is Hashim charmed. No, “charmed is the wrong word,” Hashim says. “It’s more like being repulsed yet still transfixed. If I could look away, I would.”Hashim suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), which is a psychological disorder recognized by the DSM 5 and characterized by a preoccupation with a perceived flaw(s) in one’s appearance. These flaws cause a lot of emotional distress and can often impact one’s functioning. BDD is frequently accompanied by other men...